
Multi-Strategy Private Assets


Professionals: 5



Office: Milan

Our offering

We manage bespoke multi-strategy private assets solutions for external clients, helping them achieve their investment goals while contributing to the real economy. We specialise in selecting pan-European private debt, private equity, venture capital, and infrastructure strategies.

Our approach

The asset classes and financial instruments we invest in are different but coherent in terms of their risk profile, allowing for higher diversification and potential returns without taking on additional risk. We do this by selecting top tier asset managers to navigate all phases of the economic cycle, alongside carefully selected minority co-investment direct stakes.

A multi-strategy approach for long-term stability

Private assets provide defensive, diversified, and stable long-term portfolio solutions. With IPO activity declining, more companies remain private longer, making private equity and private debt increasingly attractive.

Investing alongside Generali Group

Generali Asset Management* has a strong track record in selecting and managing private assets for Generali Group. Generali Asset Management is a key contributor to Fenice 190, a multi-strategy private assets investment plan launched by and for Generali Group to support the European economy post-pandemic. It invests in European SMEs, the energy transition and carbon reduction, and healthcare and digital development.


Antoniorosario Lovascio

Head of Multi-asset

Industry experience: 16 years

The Strategies

  • Sustainable European SMEs

  • Energy transition

  • Healthcare

  • Digital development

  • EU recovery

*Full legal name: Generali Asset Management S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio

Source: Generali Asset Management S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio (“Generali AM”) as at end of Q4 2024. Kindly note that on 1 January 2024, Generali Investments Partners S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio has been merged by incorporation into Generali Insurance Asset Management S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, changing its name to Generali AM. The figures thus refer to the sum of the AuM of the two entities at the reference date.

The latest views, research and investment insights from the experts at Generali Asset Management


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