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Sales Contacts

Tim Rainsford

Tim Rainsford

Global Head of Sales


Ashley Racine

Head of Strategic Investors Group

Gabriele Alberici

Gabriele Alberici

Head of Sales Italy

Mirko Barbera

Mirko Barbera

Senior Sales

Fabio Cavazza

Fabio Cavazza

Senior Sales

Guido Maistri

Guido Maistri

Lead Manager Retail Business


Alessandro Angelini

Senior Sales


Raffaela Aprea

Senior Sales

Federica Zuccoli

Federica Zuccoli

Junior Sales


Nazario Maria Cruciano

Sales Italy

Mario Petrachi

Gabriele Alberici

Directeur Commercial France

Veronica Vieira, CESGA

Veronica Vieira, CESGA

Responsable Relations Grands Comptes et Institutions Financières

Severine Ananda

Severine Ananda

Responsable Relations Institutionnels

Eva Abi Nader

Eva Abi Nader

Responsable Relations Partenaires

Eric Hesnault

Eric Hesnault

Responsable Relations Partenaires

Alexis Filisetti

Alexis Filisetti

Responsable Relations Partenaires

Stephan Bannier, CFA

Stephan Bannier, CFA

Head of Sales DACH

Nicolas Zorn

Nicolas Zorn

Business Development Manager – Institutional Clients

Almudena Mendaza Sanz

Almudena Mendaza Sanz

Head of Sales Iberia


Juan Pita da Veiga

Sales Manager Iberia

Research Contacts


Vincent Chaigneau

Head of Research


Dr. Thomas Hempell

Head of Macro & Market Research


Alessandro Musto

Head of ESG Integration & Solutions


Michele Morganti

Head of Insurance and Asset Management Research


Vivek Tawadey

Head of Credit Research

Media Contacts

Florian Ciornei

Florian Ciornei

Head of Media Relations

The latest views, research and investment insights from the experts at Generali Asset Management


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